
posterior root meaning in English

后根, 感觉根, 脊神经后根


  1. Histological research of the upper and lower limbs posterior roots of chinese
  2. Sep is a kind of bioelectric reaction which is characterized by time - locked and special response . the response can be reorded at the any part of special somatosensory system including from derma - tomes to peripheral nerve , spinal posterior root , et al , when stimulated in a proper style

Related Words

  1. posterior process
  2. posterior arm
  3. posterior wall
  4. posterior papillary
  5. posterior lenticonus
  6. posterior tuberosity
  7. posterior orbit
  8. posterior cornu
  9. rachischisis posterior
  10. posterior ring
  11. posterior rhizotomy
  12. posterior ring
  13. posterior root ganglia
  14. posterior root ganglion
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